< Monioro Family

Melanie Monioro

Get to know


What is your favourite quote? - Seize the day and live for the moment- Living life to the fullest

What's top of your bucket list? - Sky Diving

What's your guilty pleasure? - Shoes

Where would you most like to go? - Bali - Experience the culture

Who inspires you most in life? - My Mum

Best advice you've ever received? - People opinion usually stems from their own projections, taking nothing personally.

Favourite movie? - 365 Days

Your last meal, what would it be? - Couscous and chicken wings

What gives you the Ick? - Passive Communications

Chosen superpower? - Teleport any where in the world

Name a song in your go-to playlist - Set Nice Gabzy

Which app can you not live without? - Instagram



Melanie has a background in property, project management and interior styling, and is the founder of Capital Elite. Having bought, transformed and sold her first property over 10 years ago, doubling the value of the property she has accumulated a wealth of skills and experience in helping people transform their own investments to achieve the same success. As a traveller & wandering Melanie’s elegant design style is influenced by the many places she has travelled and lived including London, New York, Miami, Prague, Paris, Milan, Poland. As a lover of home fashion, & interiors and styling she started off styling for clients, helping them to transform spaces into one which became inviting, luxurious, and aesthetically pleasing.

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